Are you interested in learning more about where your food comes from? Join us at the beginning of its journey in the greenhouse with greenhouse lead, Farmer Rachel. She’ll show/talk to you about: how to make flats, the recommended depth of the seed based on variety, germination rates and more. By ...
Stop by the Boat House on Thursdays from 11:00am-1:00pm to stock up on some delicious eggs from Willowsford Farm! In addition to eggs, our farmers will stock our fridge with any additional veggies and farm goodies they have in stock. Follow us on Instagram and watch our stories on Thursday ...
Willowsford Conservancy and Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve are partnering together to put on a series of volunteer work days aimed to help us eradicate some pesky invasives before summer arrives! On this day, volunteers will gather at Banshee Reeks Nature preserve to remove invasive garlic mustard - and then eat ...
Come and hear one of our farmers share how our flock of 500 pasture-raised chickens helps improve our soil health and our future production yields. You will learn about what we feed them and how we move them around our Farm. Then, we will don painter booties to protect our ...
Join conservancy staff at the Willowsford Boat House to watch the solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024! What is a solar eclipse? A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, obscuring the sun. During a solar eclipse, the moon will cast a shadow on ...
Are you interested in learning more about where your food comes from? Join us at the beginning of its journey in the greenhouse with greenhouse lead, Farmer Rachel. She’ll show/talk to you about: how to make flats, the recommended depth of the seed based on variety, germination rates and more. By ...
Join Willowsford Conservancy and Secret Garden Birds and Bees on Wednesday, April 10th (LCPS is closed!), to meet live birds of prey - just like the ones living right in your own backyard! You'll have a chance to meet each of their hawks, owls, and tiny falcon up close, hear ...
Stop by the Boat House on Thursdays from 11:00am-1:00pm to stock up on some delicious eggs from Willowsford Farm! In addition to eggs, our farmers will stock our fridge with any additional veggies and farm goodies they have in stock. Follow us on Instagram and watch our stories on Thursday ...
Willowsford Kitchen is partnering with Willowsford Farm to bring you an imaginative and exciting five-course plated dinner with wine or mocktails to showcase Farm-sourced food. In addition to a wonderful meal prepared by Chef Emily, Farm Team members will also be in attendance chatting about Farm happenings and the upcoming ...
This activity is hosted by the Willowsford Archery Club and limited to Willowsford Residents and their guests. A small class, with high instructor/student ratio, which covers topics including an introduction to the Willowsford Archery Club, shooting styles, safety, eye dominance assessment, basic shooting technique, and equipment purchase advice. After 30-45 ...
Are you interested in learning more about where your food comes from? Join us at the beginning of its journey in the greenhouse with greenhouse lead, Farmer Rachel. She’ll show/talk to you about: how to make flats, the recommended depth of the seed based on variety, germination rates and more. By ...
Stop by the Boat House on Thursdays from 11:00am-1:00pm to stock up on some delicious eggs from Willowsford Farm! In addition to eggs, our farmers will stock our fridge with any additional veggies and farm goodies they have in stock. Follow us on Instagram and watch our stories on Thursday ...
Willowsford Conservancy and Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve are partnering together to put on a series of volunteer work days aimed to help us eradicate some pesky invasives before summer arrives! On this day, volunteers will meet at the Willowsford Farm Stand to remove invasive garlic mustard - and then eat ...
Shop our selection native plants grown here in the Willowsford Conservancy Native Plant Greenhouse! Plants are propagated from nursery stock or responsibly sourced or collected seeds. From pollinator friendly forbs to showy grasses, we've got a variety of species that will not only beautify your garden but support your local ...
Bring your lawn chair or blanket and join us as we come together to celebrate our beautiful home we collectively call Earth! Celebration Happenings: Live music from The Knuckle Dusters Earth Day Pledge Lawn Games Face Painting Beer & Wine sponsored by Honor Brewing and Stroll Willowsford Willowsford Farm Booth ...
This activity is hosted by the Willowsford Archery Club and limited to Willowsford Residents and their guests. A small class, with high instructor/student ratio, which covers topics including an introduction to the Willowsford Archery Club, shooting styles, safety, eye dominance assessment, basic shooting technique, and equipment purchase advice. After 30-45 ...
Are you interested in learning more about where your food comes from? Join us at the beginning of its journey in the greenhouse with greenhouse lead, Farmer Rachel. She’ll show/talk to you about: how to make flats, the recommended depth of the seed based on variety, germination rates and more. By ...
Stop by the Boat House on Thursdays from 11:00am-1:00pm to stock up on some delicious eggs from Willowsford Farm! In addition to eggs, our farmers will stock our fridge with any additional veggies and farm goodies they have in stock. Follow us on Instagram and watch our stories on Thursday ...
A collaboration between the Willowsford Land Stewardship team and the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy Volunteer Jenny Erickson will guide a walk around Spring Peeper Pond to learn about the various amphibians that live in Willowsford’s ponds and waterways. Open to all ages, but especially fun for young ones. For additional exploration, ...
Are you interested in learning more about where your food comes from? Join us at the beginning of its journey in the greenhouse with greenhouse lead, Farmer Rachel. She’ll show/talk to you about: how to make flats, the recommended depth of the seed based on variety, germination rates and more. By ...
The Willowsford Conservancy Board will meet on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Willowsford residents are invited to attend this meeting at the Boat House or through the zoom link provided below. The agenda will be available prior to the meeting in the Document Center which is available ...
Stop by the Boat House on Thursdays from 11:00am-1:00pm to stock up on some delicious eggs from Willowsford Farm! In addition to eggs, our farmers will stock our fridge with any additional veggies and farm goodies they have in stock. Follow us on Instagram and watch our stories on Thursday ...