Invasive Removal Workday at Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve

Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve 21085 The Woods Rd, Leesburg

Willowsford Conservancy and Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve are partnering together to put on a series of volunteer work days aimed to help us eradicate some pesky invasives before summer arrives! On this day, volunteers will gather at Banshee Reeks Nature preserve to remove invasive garlic mustard - and then eat ...

Meet the Willowsford Farm Chickens!

Willowsford Farm 23595 Founders Drive, Ashburn

Come and hear one of our farmers share how our flock of 500 pasture-raised chickens helps improve our soil health and our future production yields. You will learn about what we feed them and how we move them around our Farm. Then, we will don painter booties to protect our ...
