Willowsford Farm Honey Returns!
Greetings from the Farm,The long awaited Willowsford Farm Honey is back! The Beekeepers Farm manages the beehives on site at the Grange Farm, the honey produced is absolutely delicious! And LIMITED!! We will have Willowsford Farm Honey available on the Online Farm Store and at the Willowsford Farm Stand in the Grange. We will be offering a limited number of jars Online each week and at the Farm Stand until we are completely sold out. We can’t be exactly sure when we will have Willowsford Farm Honey back in stock, so we recommend ordering today!
This Weeks Cycle: The Online Farm Store is open for business! We are in it to win it for the CSA, which means the ordering cycle is now in effect. Place your order between Thursday August 3rd and Sunday August 6th by 12pm for fulfillment on August 10/11/12!
Native Plant Sale: The Land Stewardship Team will be joining us at the Farm Stand Saturday, August 5th from 9am-12pm for a Native Plant Sale! Sam’s plants are growing strong and this is a great opportunity to add some native features to your garden or landscaping. Native plants also help our native pollinators!
Labor Day Grilling Bundle : We’re offering a great bundle for the last big grilling push of the season! Enjoy your Labor Day weekend to the fullest with our Labor Day Grilling Bundle. For $200, the bundle includes one Ayrshire Farms Beef Box, two summer pies from Harvest Symphony and a goodie bag of grilling veggies. Available for pickup Thursday Aug 31st and Saturday Sept 2nd at the Farm Stand. Place your order by August 27th!
Two Food Trucks : KT Pizza will be at the Boathouse from 4pm-6pm serving their amazing pizzas. Taco Town joins us at the Farm Stand today from 4pm-7pm!
What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’ : Got a recipe that you’ve been loving with your Farm Share? Have a family food tradition that’s always a hit at parties? We would love to know! It brings us great joy to see and learn how folks are using our food. If you are open to sharing, please send us your recipe and a photo to have it featured in our Farm Newsletter! If you are comfortable with the recipe being shared on our social media, please include your socials so we can give credit where credit is due!
The Day Gets Away: Forget to pick up your share? If you forget to pick up your order on Thursday from the Boathouse or Farm Stand, it will be available to pick up on Saturday from 9am-1pm at the Farm Stand in the Grange. Unclaimed shares will be donated to the local food pantry on Wednesday, so if you miss the Saturday pick up, please email us at farm@willowsfordfarm.com to schedule an alternative pick up time.
Connect With Us : Join us for one of our upcoming programs or volunteer alongside us. Visit the Conservancy Events, Instagram or Facebook pages for details.
Eat well, be well,
– The Willowsford Farm Team

Labor Day Grilling Bundle |
Storage Tips for Farmer’s Choice!
Did you know that your refrigerator uses a dehydration process to keep everything fresh? This is why your crisper drawer is the star of the produce show! Keeping your crisper drawer (set to “vegetables” if needed) airtight will help keep your Farmer’s Choice fresher for longer. For this week’s share, we recommend keeping everything airtight in that crisper drawer, even the greens! Our go-to for using up share contents before your next fulfillment is a stir-fry. It’s an easy and fun way to use more veggies and clean out your fridge!Basil should be kept on the kitchen counter in a glass of water, please do not refrigerate!
Peaches, corn, cucumbers, beets, carrots, garlic, microgreens, basil, onions, zucchini, summer squash, bell peppers, slicer tomatoes and cherry tomatoes!
Peaches, eggplant, jalapeño peppers, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, slicer tomatoes, bell peppers, microgreens, carrots, beets, and maybe potatoes! |
Our recipe this week comes from a CSA memeber: Leah! She shares with us this lovely recipe for a Lemon Poppy Seed Squash Bread. A sweet and healthy treat from summer, yum! Thank you Leah!
Lemon Poppy Seed Squash Bread
215g (1 cup) canola or vegetable oil
170g (6 oz) Greek Yogurt, lemon or vanilla
1 Tbsp lemon juice
3 eggs
400g (2 cups) sugar
360g (3 cups) all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
2 tsp lemon zest
1 tsp salt
About 340g (2 cups, packed) grated squash/zucchini, about 1 large squash/zucchini
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon extract (optional)
1-2 tbsp poppy seeds
Lemon Glaze
240g (2 cups) powdered sugar
2-4 Tbsp lemon juiceInstructions
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and coat two 8 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ bread pans with baking spray.
Add zest to the sugar and mix with fingers to release lemon oil into the sugar. Set aside whilst measuring out other ingredients.
In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt.
In a large bowl, cream together oil, Greek yogurt, lemon juice, sugar/zest, and vanilla/lemon extracts.
Once combined, add in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Add dry ingredients into wet ingredients, and mix just until combined.
Add in zucchini and stir.
Once combined, divide batter evenly between the two bread pans.
Bake for 55-60 minutes, or until a cake tester comes out clean.
Allow to cool at least 10-20 minutes before removing from the pan and placing on a cooling rack.
Mix lemon juice and powdered sugar together until well combined. (You can add less lemon juice for a thicker glaze, like in the photo, or more lemon juice for a thinner glaze.
With the bread on the cooling rack, pour glaze over the bread.
Boathouse Pick Up Hours:
Thursday, 4pm – 6pm
Food Truck – KT Pizza 4pm-6pm
Farm Stand Open and Pick Up Hours:
Thursday, 4pm – 7pm
Food Truck – Taco Town 4pm-7pm
Saturday, 9am – 1pmTwo Trucks?! Taco Town joins us today (Thursday Aug. 3rd) at the Farm Stand while KT Pizza will meet us at the Boathouse!
Photos : Busy Busy Busy! Basil has been beautifully bunched for this week’s shares! Peppers are looking good, you’ll see more pepper options on the Online Farm Store starting this week! Carrots are popping up! Baby carrots are super fragile, it’s important that they receive plenty of water on hot days!
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Fresh Local Food, Just a Click Away
To protect our land and promote conservation and sustainable farming so that our community discovers a deeper connection to nature and each other.