When it snows, we are given a wonderful glimpse into the paths and activities of the animals that visit our backyards, trails, and Open Space. Animal tracks are perfectly captured in the fresh snow cover. Most animals tend to stay put during blizzards and many hibernate (learn more in our Overwintering Field Note). Head out after the snow stops to look for tracks as this is often when the animals will be heading out to look for food. The prints will stay in place as long as the temps remain low – when it warms up the snow will start to melt and warp the prints.
Hunters and naturalists both use tracks to look for animals. Here are some common terms when they are talking about tracks:
- Trail: a path or the series of track patterns
- Straddle: the total width of the trail, all tracks included
- Register: when a back foot lands in the print of a front foot
- Dragline: a print left by a foot or tail dragging over the surface
With some practice, you can learn how to identify which animals you are seeing with their tracks. You can also see clues that reveal their unique behavioral patterns.
- Claw imprints are left by dogs and their wilder cousins (coyotes, wolves, foxes), not by cats. The photo to the right shows fox prints up at the Farm where you can see the clear claw markings.
- A raptor dropping down to scoop a rodent out of the snow might leave a wing pattern in the snow!
- Some animals drag their tail or even drag their feet as they walk and snow tracks can reveal some of these interesting gaits.
- Tracks look different if a rabbit or fox is running versus walking!
In warmer months, there are lots of signs you can look for as well – mud is also a great place to look for animal tracks and imprints. You can look for access points to Open Space where larger mammals such as deer create trails along the routes they use to move between habitat areas – these are known as wildlife paths or game trails. Scat (animal droppings) are another way that naturalists look for evidence of animal visitors. You can use this handy guide to identify scat.
Helpful Resources:
App for identifying tracks (we recommend the Pro version) – https://naturetracking.com/itrack-wildlife/
Identifying Animal Tracks in Snow – Video by Wildlife Report – https://youtu.be/pBrrr-RUUaM
Helpful education guide to tracks (from Alaska so it includes moose, but still a great resource with fun activities and good explanations) – https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/education/educators/pdfs/wild_wonders_issue2.pdf

Tracks we’ve found recently:
Pic 1: Bird wing prints in the snow. This is from the bird either landing or taking off!
Pic 2: Eastern Gray Squirrel print. You can see each little finger on the squirrel.
Pic 3: Deer prints by the Willowsford Boat House.