Running out of Thyme? Order Today!
Greetings from the Farm,If you didn’t have a chance to stop by the Farm Stand this week, we’ve got you covered. In addition to our current offerings, we’ve added some previously Farm Stand exclusive items for you to enjoy.
Virginia’s Finest: Grapewood Farms grows and grinds their flour, right here in Northern Neck, Virginia. Certified organic and dedicated to good land stewardship, the Sachs family can truly claim they produce Virginia’s Finest flour. Check out their website for more information about their products and gorgeous aerial shots of their farm.
Sumac: Z&Z’s family recipe has tang, citrus and a little crunch squeezed into its jar. In short supply, due to popularity, so get it before it’s gone for good this season!
Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny: 100% Sesame Seed Tahini! Soom delivers with a creamy, silky tahini that’s perfect for cooking.
The Online Farm Stand closes Sunday @ noon, order today!
Connect With Us : Join us for one of our upcoming programs or volunteer alongside us. Visit the Conservancy Events, Instagram or Facebook pages for details.
Happy Eating,
– The Willowsford Farm Team

Winter Farmer’s Choice CSA |
Orange crisp watermelon, assorted tomatoes, assorted eggplant, garlic, mint, cayenne peppers, Gala apples, thyme, shunkyo radish, salad turnips and potentially green beans!THE SHARE NEXT WEEK:
Green Kale, garlic, sage, salad turnips, shishito peppers, assorted apples, assorted tomatoes, assorted peppers, delicata squash, sweet potatoes and rosemary. |
Flower Varieties This Week :
Zinnias, Dahlia, Sunflower, Cosmos, Lemon verbena, Plectranthus, Marigolds, Celosia, Ageratum
Farm Stand @ Grange Hours + Food Truck This Week
Thursday, 4 – 7 PM, Food Truck : Taco Town
Saturday, 9 – 1 PM, Food Truck : Stay Tuned on Facebook / Instagram
Better Call Salsa : Why go down town, when you can come to Taco Town? Taco Thursday is back at the Farm Stand this week. Stop by to enjoy some delicious food and browse the Farm Stand’s selection.
Photos: Our lovely ladies enjoying their new spot on the Farm. Farmer Eric sharing his favorite Farm tour topic: Bees! Willowsford Wildlife – slugs are a great example of a healthy ecosystem.
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