Greetings from the Farm,Tomatoes : A sure sign of summer is when the tomatoes grow faster than they can be harvested. If you’re into preserving now’s the time to stock up. We just added 15 lb. bulk tomato flats to the store!
New This Week : Cucumbers, Zucchini, Caprese Quiche, and Cilantro
Connect With Us : Join us for one of our upcoming programs or volunteer alongside us. Visit the Conservancy Events, Instagram or Facebook pages for details.
Happy Eating,
– The Willowsford Farm Team

Tomatoes / Bulk – Organic |

Premium Steak Bundle – Organic |

Farmer Eric Sharing the Share + Farm Happenings |
Green beans, nectarines, green bell peppers, onions, assorted tomatoes, microgreens, *celery, summer squash or cucs, garlic, basil & picolima cabbage.*The celery crop was limited due to the heat fennel was used as a replacement in some shares.THE SHARE NEXT WEEK:
Potatoes, lunchbox peppers, green beans, 3-4 lbs. of assorted tomatoes, green bell peppers, jalapenos, cilantro, onions, peaches, basil, and 2 ears of sweet corn. |
Flower Varieties in the Bouquets this Week : Zinnias, Lisianthus, Rudbeckia, Ageratum, Forget-me-not, Celosia, Sorgum (broom corn), Cosmos
Thursday, 4 – 7 PM
Saturday, 9 – 1 PMFood Trucks
Thursday, 4 – 7 PM – Taco Town
Saturday, 9 – 1 PM – TBD, Stay Tuned on Facebook / Instagram
Farm Stand @ The Boat House
Thursday, August 11 – 4 – 6 PM, Details
Farmer Rachel smiling the day away in the green bean field. Assassin Bug – this is a friend of the garden, but one that should be approached with caution since they can pack a mean punch if threatened. Read more about these friends of the farm, here. Tomato Horn Worm + Parasitic Wasp Eggs this is a great example of how nature can heal itself without the need for inputs – pictured is a tomato horn worm (that can decimate a tomato crop in a hurry!) and parasitic wasp eggs. You can read more about this friend and foe, here. Volunteer, Karen B., sharing her knowledge about egg washing with kids from Camp Willowsford.
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