Greetings from the Farm,
We are in the middle of our first hiatus week of the Summer season! This means there is NO PICKUP OR DELIVERY THIS WEEK! In addition, the Farm Stand in the Grange will be closed today, July 6th and Saturday July 8th! We are using this time to catch up on some maintenance, transplanting and more! However, the Online Farm Store will be open today July 6th, through Sunday July 9th for fulfillment next week!
This Weeks Cycle: The Online Farm Store is open for business! We are into the groove of the CSA, which means the ordering cycle is now in effect. Place your order between Thursday July 6th and Sunday July 9th by 12pm for fulfillment on July 13/14/15!
Secret Plant Sale:  Sam from the Land Stewardship Team will be selling native plants at the Boathouse TODAY, July 6th from 4pm-7pm. Sam has been hard at work in his native plant greenhouse and it’s time for you to enjoy the fruits if his labor! Featuring plants like…butterfly weed, purple lovegrass, bergamont and more!
Wagon Rides: We have wagon ride Farm Tours next Saturday, July 15th! Meet us at the Farm Stand and learn all about Willowsford Farm! You can RSVP for a wagon ride here.
What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’ : Got a recipe that you’ve been loving with your Farm Share? Have a family food tradition that’s always a hit at parties? We would love to know! It brings us great joy to see and learn how folks are using our food. If you are open to sharing, please send us your recipe and a photo to have it featured in our Farm Newsletter! If you are comfortable with the recipe being shared on our social media, please include your socials so we can give credit where credit is due!
The Day Gets Away: Forget to pick up your share? If you forget to pick up your order on Thursday from the Boathouse or Farm Stand, it will be available to pick up on Saturday from 9am-1pm at the Farm Stand in the Grange. Unclaimed shares will be donated to the local food pantry on Wednesday, so if you miss the Saturday pick up, please email us at to schedule an alternative pick up time.
Connect With Us : Join us for one of our upcoming programs or volunteer alongside us. Visit the Conservancy Events, Instagram or Facebook pages for details.
Eat well, be well,
– The Willowsford Farm Team