Let’s Talk Trash! Village Wide Clean-Up Day
March 5, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join us for our second annual Village wide clean-up day, Tuesday, March 5th from 10-12pm! Keeping Willowsford beautiful takes a Village, participating in this clean-up day is only one way you can make a difference in your community. This is a day LCPS has off school and a great opportunity for students to get additional volunteer hours.
Sign up here for a trail, a stretch of road, or other native “catchment” area. All supplies, including trash bags, will be provided. Click here to view a detailed map of the collection areas in each village.
Is there an area you’d like to clean up that isn’t listed? Feel free to collect trash and drop it off at one of our village drop-off locations or submit it to be added by emailing info@willowsfordconservancy.org. For information on all drop off locations and descriptions for each collection segment, click here.
To say thank you, the Conservancy is hosting a post-event thank you at the Boat House and the Farm Stand. Join fellow volunteers, neighbors, and conservancy staff for snacks and beverages. Nomz food truck will be at the Boat House from 11-1pm selling delicious sandwiches and more. Click here to check our their menu!
What can be done? See something, do something. Pick it up!